Clippings, WAYE Advertisements
Clippings, WAYE Advertisements
Box 8 Folder 47: "We’re at folder 47. It’s clippings clipped out of some kind of a newsprint journal like the Birmingham Times, Birmingham News, probably the Birmingham Times, advertising WAYE 1220 and also lists the jocks. Theo Bailey, interestingly enough, we were wondering whether that Theo Bailey… that previous folder that contained a mini-contract with the name Theo for commission, and then we follow it up with this, leads me to believe that contract was an AYE contract. In any event, this from 19… we’re saying it’s 1987. What’s also interesting about these clippings that when you flip over the big one on WYDE 85 (850AM) , which was a 50,000 watt station on AM, 50 still is, from 7PM to 5:30 AM at night they played black contemporary gospel, and they included Weldon Clark, Al Bell, and little Walter Anglin. From 7 in the evening all the way until 5:30 in the morning, and Mallard (Brother J) Hicks, whoever that was. So it’s clear that African American disc jockeys were on predominantly white stations as well because they could do the job and they could work and so WYDE obviously played both traditional white southern gospel as well as black gospel. The year of this clip was given away on the WYDE side, bottom center. Also in folder 47 is a small add for WAYE, we project, from 1985, because that year is mentioned in a Sears ad on the back. My guess, found in the same location as f46."
“Clippings, WAYE Advertisements,” The Birmingham Black Radio Museum, accessed September 19, 2024,
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