Clippings, Birmingham News 1963


Clippings, Birmingham News 1963


Box 4 Folder 19: "Here we have a series of six newspaper clippings from 1963 including references to the civil rights struggles in Birmingham and elsewhere and as well, references to new personnel at WJLD 1400 AM."


b4f19a - 1963 clips - Police paid overtime, not firemen - May 63 BN.jpg
b4f19b - 1963 clips - NAACP ad in Bham World - June 12, 1963 BW.jpg
b4f19c - 1963 clips - WJLD rounf the clock - July 16, 1963 BW.jpg
b4f19d - 1963 clips - Lunch counters and voter registration - Aug 13, 1963 BW.jpg
b4f19e - 1963 clips - Willie James Ware on WJLD - Aug 10, 1963 BW.jpg
b4f19f - 1963 clips - Sonny Woods joins WJLD - Sep 11, 1963 BW.jpg



“Clippings, Birmingham News 1963,” The Birmingham Black Radio Museum, accessed May 12, 2024,

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John Morse

These appear to be from the Birmingham World newspaper, not from the Birmingham News.

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